Science= Cool :)

In Science we were learning about fingerprints.For Homework there is Science Buddies which is due April 1.Science Buddies are a project we do every month.
Please click picture below.For my Science teacher website:)

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Emil Kraepelin!!!Famous Scientist!!!!



1. Inclined plane ( A flat surface that has one end higher than the other)
2. Wedge( Is used to split objects a part)
3. Screw ( Is like an Inclined plane, but this wraped around a cylinder)Example: an spiral Staircase
4.Lever (their is class 1,class 2,and their is class three)
5. Wheel and Axle( A wheel attached to a bar so that they rotate)
6. Pully (Its used to carry objects up)





True or False:Babies have less bones then adults

True (0)

False (2)

Total votes: 2